政策: This policy applies to Upper-Level Administrators and 终身职位的 faculty, and the details are described below. I. Partner Seeking an Academic Position
If the partner's intended academic unit has a relevant open position, the partner will be encouraged to apply for it. 如果被选中,该职位将由空缺职位的原始预算提供资金. - 锚雇佣: Upper-Level Administrator
The recommendations below apply to hiring upper-level administrators, 在什么情况下,合伙人招聘被确定为主播职位招聘的组成部分. The following issues should be considered in offering a position to the partner:
- 如果合作伙伴的预期学术单位没有空缺职位,或者如果空缺职位的寻找不能及时完成, a visiting position may be created upon the approval of the Provost [1] in consultation with the President. The following conditions apply in this case:
- 管理员是否将担任大学中央管理部门的一部分, such as a vice president position, 中央大学一级的资金应用于伴侣的工资和所有其他适当的合同规定的财政支助. 在学术管理人员的情况下,学术事务预算将资助合作伙伴雇用. 对于所有其他雇佣, 锚定雇佣的各自部门单位将为合伙人的职位提供资金. In the event of a separation from the university, funding will revert to the source that funded the position.
- 只有在合作伙伴成功完成相关部门规定的招聘流程后,才能向合作伙伴提供正式的访问职位邀请, and all policies pertaining to visiting positions will apply. 值得注意的是,这个招聘过程可能不会完成之前,锚雇用的就业确定下来. 除了, 访问结束时(以教师合同允许的最长时间为限), a full search must be conducted to convert the position to a non-visiting, 正常的位置.
- 如果一个完整的访问职位的批准和招聘过程不能完成之前的报价敲定为主播雇用, 主播的招聘单位应寻求教务长的批准,提供为期一年的访问职位. 系主任和相关学术单位的院长将审查合作伙伴的专业证书,并完成搜索豁免请求. This can be renewed for a second year at the discretion of the Provost. By the end of the second year, 合作伙伴招聘单位将推荐是否继续访问职位. This decision will be based on various factors, such as overall performance, enrollment in the candidate’s courses, and the overall needs of the department for such a position. The recommendation will be sent to the Provost. (注:这一审查程序在第二年结束时不同于其他访问职位,包括搜索豁免, 不像他们, the request to fill such a position did not originate with the unit. 因此,在雇用时并没有确定这一职位的相关性和必要性.)另外, 访问结束时(以教师合同允许的最长时间为限), a full search must be conducted if a non-visiting, 正常的位置 is approved.
- 锚雇佣: Tenure-track 教师
In hiring new 终身职位的 faculty, 365英国上市官网将通过分享开放和访问职位的信息,帮助寻求学术职位的合作伙伴找到合适的机会. The following considerations will be used when hiring a partner:
- 聘请高级教师担任对学校具有战略意义的职位时, the university may offer a visiting faculty position to a partner. Funding for such positions will come from Academic Affairs. 在这种情况下,雇用合作伙伴的流程将与雇用高级管理员的流程相同,但需作一些修改,具体说明如下:
In creating such a visiting position, the leadership of the relevant academic unit, 比如系主任(或者没有系主任的单位的主任)和院长, 将被咨询. 在利益冲突的情况下,需要教务长或其他副校长的批准. If a visiting position is created, 雇用高级管理人员的程序将按照上文(b)和(c)点进行. In case of separation from the university, funding will revert to the source that funded the visiting position.
- 在为所有其他类型的教职员工招聘教职员工时,可以考虑以下选项, such as assistant professor positions.
- If the partner's intended academic unit does not have a relevant open position, 合作伙伴的学术单位可以申请由教务处资助的访问职位. 使用搜索豁免程序的快速招聘不适用于这些招聘. If a visiting position is approved, 可以在访问期结束时申请永久资助(不超过教师合同允许的最长期限)。. If a permanent position is approved, a full search must be conducted.
- If a full-time position is unavailable, the relevant unit will explore other options, such as a part-time position, 如果合适的话.
II. Partner Seeking a Staff Position When hiring a partner in a staff position, 在与相应的副总裁协商后,可设立临时或临时职位. 如果锚定招聘是高级管理人员,将在中央管理部门担任职务, central university funds will be used to fund the partner’s position. 如果锚定招聘是一个学术管理人员,如院长或教员, the partner’s position will be funded by Academic Affairs. If the anchor hire holds a staff position outside of central administration, the divisional unit of the anchor will fund the partner’s position. In case of separation from the university, the funds will revert to the source that funded the position. Candidates must meet the appropriate qualifications for the position, and all applicable staff hiring policies must be followed. 3. Partner Seeking a Position Outside the University 在校外为伴侣寻找就业机会的考生可以联系职业和生活设计中心,以查找信息并在当地社区建立联系. No expectation of a job is connected to this recommendation. 候选人也被鼓励使用高等教育招聘联盟的资源来探索密歇根的学术职位. IV. 免责声明 该政策不向任何即将上任的高级管理人员或教员保证将向合作伙伴提供永久或临时职位. 财政方面的考虑以及这些职位的需要和可行性将决定哪些机会, 如果有任何, can be provided at any time. 向合作伙伴提供职位的决定也不意味着学校有义务在其他情况下提供类似的职位. All relevant university policies, including the conflict of interest policy, must be followed by all relevant parties. 总统有权在与内阁协商后批准该政策的例外情况. [1] In case of a conflict of interest, the Provost’s approval will be delegated to the President or their designee. |